X-Pected Dine Mite              - English toy terriers

X-Pected Dine Mite              - English toy terriers


Previous owned dogs, page 2

This is about dogs we have owned in the past. They might have lived with us their whole life, been co-owned or now living with some new lovely families.

Bombon-Bee-Toy White Oleander «BEE»

Born: 12.09.2022

Import from the Czech Republic

Best In Show 2

CIB International Champion

Nordic Champion

Norwegian Champion

Swedish Champion

Danish Champion

Romanian Champion

Picture pedigree, health, etc «HERE»

Bee, Best In Show 2

Bee, Best In Show 2

X-Pected Dine Mites Von Rothbart «BART»

Born: 27.03.2017

Bart lives now in Denmark

CIB International Champion

Norwegian Champion

Swedish Champion

Picture pedigree, health, etc. «HERE»



X-Pected Dine Mites X-Factor «CINDY»

Born: 26.11.2013

CIB International Champion

Nordic Champion

Norwegian Champion

Danish Champion

Swedish Champion

Norwegian Junior Winner 2014

Picture pedigree, health etc. «HERE»



Bonwild Rainson Dream Maker «KIKU»

Born: 23.04.2009

Import from Finland

Norwegian Champion

Finnish Champion

Picture pedigree, health etc «HERE»



Nederland Nullabor Jackeroo «JACK»


Import from Australia

Norwegian Champion

Picture pedigree, health etc «HERE»

Jack, Neverland Nullabor Jackeroo

Jack, Neverland Nullabor Jackeroo

X-Pected Dine Mites Troublemaker «TIMMI»

Born: 25.01.2013

CIB International Champion

World Winner 2015

Norwegian Champion

German Champion

Italian Champion

VDH Europasieger 2014

VDH Europasieger 2015

Europa Winner 2014 (FCI)

Pictyre pedigree, health etc «HERE»



X-Pected Dine Mites Perdita «PERDY»

Born: 26.10.2020

Perdy now lives in Trondheim, Norway

Norwegian Champion

Swedish Champion

Danish Champion

Picture pedigree, health etc «HERE»

Perdy, Denmark

Perdy, Denmark

Rustic Lane Road Warrior At Fwaggle «HARLEY»

Born: 09.12.2008

Harley visited us for a couple of years to be shown and to be used for breeding before he went back to the US.

CIB International Champion

Nordic Champion

Norwegian Champion

Danish Champion

Swedish Champion

US Champion

US Grand Champion

Canadian Champion

Romanian Champion

Romanian Grand Champion

Norwegian Winner 2013

Danish Winner 2013

European Winner 2015

Picture pedigree, health etc «HERE»



Winter Knight Witchstone «PERCY»

Born: 25.12.2017

Import from UK.

Norwegian Champion

Danish Champion

Danish Winner 2019

Picture pedigree, health etc «HERE»

Percy, BOB with CACIB in Spain

Percy, BOB with CACIB in Spain

X-Pected Dine Mites Quick Sarah «SARAH»

Sarah NUCH

Sarah NUCH